few years ago, in May, I visited London. Already
along the road from the airport to the city began to see Green, green, green .... when I went out to make my first steps on foot noticed small manicured parks every few blocks.
What a feeling of euphoria that I had taken! I saw for the first time in the David Bloom, giant white handkerchiefs that hung from the branches numerous, Crataegus Paul's Scarlet flowers in dozens, and each flower in a miniature rose, a sea of \u200b\u200byellow laburnum covered with huge chestnut trees, lawns perfect ... . well, I was like a little girl in ice fell from a tree to another, from a bush in a flower!
The photo that opens this post is just one of the parks district, I liked the toys made of wood.
But when I went to Kew Gardens, I realized that the fame the British was largely deserved!
can be reached by train, a fairly short journey from the city, and when you go seems to be in a country with Walt Disney, villas with private gardens cared for, until after a few steps there stands before the entrance of one of the gardens most famous.
The first thing is I visited the Conservatory Victorian near the entrance, filled with tropical plants with lots of hot and humid climate. This is the white spiral staircase that leads to the top
This is the view that we see standing on top of the iron staircase
Subsequently, un'altra Conservatory dedicata alle piante acquatiche, alle felci, alle grasse e alle orchidee:
All'esterno, una serie favolosa di bordure miste la cui fioritura a volte era da togliere il fiato: qui sotto aquilegie, geranium e una Kolkwizia Pink Cloud
il rock garden, con cascatella
Questa invece è l'altra Conservatory, al cui interno c'è una ricchissima collezione di fucsie, notevole
E non poteva mancare il giardino giapponese.....

Questi due cedri del Libano che guidavano verso il giardino giapponese erano immensi, ti facevano sentire tanto piccolo....
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