Thursday, February 24, 2011

Endometriosis Condition_symptoms

Thanks Silvia! - By tyziana

Nel mio post precedente, la nostra amica Silvia ci avvisava di una sorpresa sul suo blog e mi sono precipitata per vedere di che si trattava e ho scoperto che aveva incluso il nostro "Furighedda" fra quelli premiati per il

Ringrazio a nome di tutti noi la dolcissima Silvia, che ci nomina insieme ad altri quattro bloggers, che cura un bellissimo blog, delizioso e molto intimista, dove oltre a postare bellissime immagini its lovely shop with a thousand and one nights (where to buy everything!)

describes his emotions, involving us in the preparation of a fair or a flea market or blog or informing us beautiful images of your dreams! Thank you for your trust, Silvia, I embrace you!

The rules of the award are simple enough:

- of course the first thing is to accept the award and write a post on the subject

- choose from three five bolgs we like, and tell them that they won,

- post the link to the person who sent it to you.

This type of award is set up to do in order to give prominence to other blogs, who have a need for greater visibility, but also that you follow personally, I would say daily frequency.
why I chose among the many who try to follow in the time available to me, the blog of my dear friends:

Isabelle, who always draws me in his wonderful world of roses and beautiful bouquet

Laurence, my sweet friend-owl, with which I am a big chat until late at night, and whose I did find a few posts on this blog before the convince to open his

Eloisa, who with his cartoons about cats I enjoy ever, because it can move in a comic the comic situations of daily life with cats, in which I always find myself because I live with my

Cinzia , la mia nuova amica di blog e di facebook, con un bellissimo e raffinato blog di shabby style e cucito creativo, e con la sua gatta che mi ricorda tanto la mia

e la mia amica e conterranea   Nina , che con la sua  creatività mi stupisce ogni giorno con piccoli e deliziosi coloratissimi  oggettini

Di fantastici blog da segnalare ce ne sarebbe un vagone pieno, ma se volete, potete linkare su i miei preferiti I scored on the side.
Hugs to all!


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