Finalmente una nuova ricetta! Oggi vi propongo una delle mie preferite, a base di zucca. Se non amate questo ortaggio, potete anche sostituirla con le carote o la zucchina, che sono altrettanto dolci.
Finally a brand new recipe! This is one of my favourites, and it's got pumpkin in it! If you don't like this veggie, you can replace it with carrot or zucchini.
- 400 gr polpa di zucca a pezzetti
- 1 scalogno
- 1 spicchio d' aglio
- prezzemolo
- 100 gr di robiola
- parmigiano grattugiato
salt - pepper
oil - 1 cube or broth ready
Ingredients - 400 gr pumpkin into small cubes
- 1 scallion
- 1 garlic clove
- Parmesan
parsley - 100 g cheese robiola
salt - pepper
- oil
- soupe a cube or meat broth
1. chopped garlic and shallots and put them to fry in a pan with a little 'oil. Add the pumpkin and brown. Meanwhile, prepare the broth
2. Add broth and pumpkin e lasciatela cuocere fino a che non si sarĂ ammorbidita
3. frullate il tutto aggiungendo la robiola, il parmigiano, il sale e il pepe
4. spolverate con il prezzemolo e servite accompagnando con dei crostini all'aglio
If you have some time to kill, carve the pumpkin and use as a container for the soup: it makes great impression with your guests!
2. Add broth and pumpkin e lasciatela cuocere fino a che non si sarĂ ammorbidita
3. frullate il tutto aggiungendo la robiola, il parmigiano, il sale e il pepe
4. spolverate con il prezzemolo e servite accompagnando con dei crostini all'aglio
1. mince the garlic and the scallion and leave them to fry slightly with oil. Add the pumpkin cubes and brown them. In the meantime prepare the broth
2. add the broth to the pumpkin and let it cook until the cubes are creamy
3. whirl everything adding robiola cheese, parmigiano, salt and pepper
4. add the parsley and serve with garlic bread
Se avete un po' di tempo, potete scavare la zucca ed use as a container of cream: does a lot of the scene when brought to the table! 2. add the broth to the pumpkin and let it cook until the cubes are creamy
3. whirl everything adding robiola cheese, parmigiano, salt and pepper
4. add the parsley and serve with garlic bread
If you have some time to kill, carve the pumpkin and use as a container for the soup: it makes great impression with your guests!

To do so, put white cream drops on the surface of the soup (the whirl robiola Some cheese with milk or use milk cream).

Then, draw a line across all the dops using a stick.

And your spots will end up in cute romantic little hearts!
If wrong do not despair, just stir the cream into the pot and repeat the operation. Good
party he fell in love! If you do
Any mistake, do not worry: you can mix everything and start all over again.
Enjoy your Valentine's day!
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