To begin I would like, on behalf of us all, thank Lisa, who, with this wonderful initiative has enabled the participants to the many bloggers from around the world to meet and share art, passion and hobby, and send a big kiss to my sweet friend Isabelle , that got me involved in this wonderful adventure!
I saw last night on some blog that to select the lucky vncitore has adopted the system of Random , but I wanted to do the extraction with the traditional method: the classic slip of paper.
advantage of the fact that my boss, a veteran of the manifestation of Lingerie in Paris, had given me a series of blocks post-heart-shaped, I scored on each of these names 123 friends bloggers , who switched to visit us, and thank you so much for leaving comments cute and curious and I did choose, of course with my eyes closed, the lucky ticket to my companion.
Drum roll ... .. and then the winner of our first Owoh So is
Halle's blog !!
who wins the hearts lavender
and many packets of seeds, I put up specially for the competition
Please then contact me via e-mail to let me your address so I can send the prize. My email is:
I apologize for not having had time to visit all the blog friends who have participated, is unable to work commitments, and because this time I have my pc KO and in fact I feel a little lost ... ... I'll try to remedy as soon as possible.
Happy weekend everyone! Next post, I promise, I will speak of the garden that gets ready for spring!
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