If you're tired of the usual caps for children, all fru fru and pastel flowers, then this is right harlequin hat for your infant!
(Guess' Who is the model for this project:)
If can see your baby wearing traditional bonnets with flowers and lace no longer, this multi-coloured hat will suit you perfectly!
(Guess who is the model : )

- 45 grams of wool irons 3 to 3.5 in the colors: blue, yellow, purple, dark green, orange, light green
- No iron 3
- No crochet 2.5
- knitting needle
- a few grams of synthetic fur
Materials required (for 3-4 months baby; head diameter 40-42 cm)
- 45 gr. of wool for 3-3,5 knitting needles in those colours: sky-blue, yellow, violet, dark green, orange, light green
- knitting needles #3
- crochet hook #2,5
- tapestry needle
- a few grams of fiberfill for stuffing
Punti impiegati
- with knitting needles: knit tie
- with crochet: chain, low top, crochet, half treble, point shrimp (optional)
- with knitting needles: garter stitch
- with crochet hook: chain stitch, slip stitch, double crochet, half treble crochet, treble crochet stitch left handed.

With needles and wool blue started 82 sweaters and knitted tie for about 4.5 cm.
Proceed with the crochet hook to crochet a row alternating with a repeating this scheme worked: * 2 half-high mesh, chain 1, skip a base mesh *.
Cast on 82 stitches using the sky-blue yarn and make garter stitch for 4.5 cm.
Then leave the knitting needles and keep the crochet hook, alternate 1 row on row with 1 double crochet at this way: * 2 half treble crochet, 1 chain stitch, chain 1 base jump *.

Change color at will to every line and work in all 25 lines without increases nor decreases, and thereby obtain a rectangle.
Fee free to change color at Every row, make 25 rows without Increasing or Decreasing.

hide all the wires cut and Sew the two shorter sides in reverse.
Hide all the threads cut and sew the short edges on reverse.

Voltate il lavoro al dritto e cucite l’estremità superiore a croce, come mostrato nella foto in visione dall’alto.
Reverse the work on the right side and sew the top edge with a cross shape, like shown in the above image.

Make 4 balls in different colors to stick on top of the hat, like this:
1 lap : Form a ring and mesh processed within 4 low, close with a very low point and pull the wire to tighten the ring
2nd round : Work 2 sts in each grid of low base, close the tour with a very low top (tot 8 mesh)
lap 3 : distributed every 1 increase 2 sts low ; close the tour with a very low mesh (tot 12 stitches)
lap 4 : no increase in crochet; close the tour with a very low mesh (tot 12 stitches)
5 lap : distributed a decrease every two links low, close the tour with a very low mesh (mesh tot 9)
lap 6 : stuffed with synthetic cotton and continue working on delivering a decrease crochet a sweater yes and a no, to the end. Close with a shirt and low cut the thread leaving a bit 'long, so it can be used for the stitching on the hat.
row 1: make 4 double crochets in a loop and close the row with a slip stitch
row 2 : make 2 double crochets in every base stitch; close the row with a slip stitch (tot 8 stitches)
row 3 : make 1 increase of 2 base stitches each; close the row with a slip stitch (tot 12 stitches)
row 4 : double crochet without increasing; close the row with a slip stitch (tot 12 stitches)
row 5 : make a decreasing of 2 double crochet each; close the row with a slip stitch (tot 9 stitches)
Row 6 : stuff the ball with fiberfill and go on with double crochet making a decreasing 2 base stitches each until the end. Close the row with a slip stitch and cut the thread leaving it a little bit long, so you can use it to sew the ball on the hat.

Cucite le quattro palline sulle punte del cappello, nascondete tutti i fili tagliati, e completate il lavoro con un giro a punto gambero alla base del cappello con la lana gialla.
Attach the balls to the top of the hat, to hide the cut threads and, if you like, make a left handed stitch row on the base of the hat with the yellow yarn.

You will get a bit of rainbow even on rainy days ...
In the end, you will bring a little bit of rainbow in any rainy day...
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