As I have had numerous occasions to tell you, the fact to live on an island can have positive aspects, a beautiful sun, a beautiful sea, but also some downsides.
To be able to move, to travel, visit other towns and beautiful gardens, it is necessarily forced to use the ship or plane.
same goes for the purchase of plants for the garden. The nursery area of \u200b\u200bthe proposed right of typical Mediterranean, but willing to explore with other specimens, regardless of the choice of species that can withstand our latitude and our temperatures, we are forced to turn to nursery d ' overseas, in Italy or abroad.
Fra poco, esattamente fra circa dieci giorni, ci sarà finalmente la tanto attesa manifestazione “Primavera in Giardino” , di cui ho già parlato in precedenti reportage , che si tiene tutti gli anni a Milis in concomitanza o quasi con l’arrivo della primavera, che qui solitamente inizia prima che in altre zone d’Italia, dove ci saranno espositori provenienti da diverse parti d’Italia.
E’ una ghiotta occasione per noi sardi, penalizzati appunto dalla lontananza dal resto del continente, per rifornirci di varietà particolari, solitamente introvabili. La My list as usual is a bit long and I'll definitely skim.
In the meantime, I could not make another good buy on ebay for three beautiful plants of Alchemilla mollis, which the seller ships bare root to allow the buyer to save on costs shipment. After a journey of about ten days, arrived in excellent condition
and with a very good root system
E 'a plant that I love always for the its velvety foliage
and blossoms in a yellow color, very decorative borders for English
I hope they have the same success they have had the fabulous purple pansies, which bloom more profusely in the new border! Imagine when they bloomed in blue Ajuga also nearby ... ...
They all have a little retro flavor, this blue, the "Cats Whiskers Blue" that damina looks like a nineteenth century with ruffles in the skirt, do not you think?
I'm waiting impatiently fioriscano anche quelle della varietà "Peach Shades” , di un delicato color pesca.
Dimenticavo di dire che le piantine a radice nuda delle Alchemilla mollis sono costate solo 0,90 sterline ognuna ;)
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