Materiale occorrente
- 85 gr cotton No 3
- No Tunisian crochet 3.5
- patterned fabric for the lining
- 2 pairs of snap
- needle and cotton thread in color
- 85 gr cotton # 3
- tunisian crochet hook # 3.5
- fabric for the lining
- 2 couple of automatic bottons
- needle and yarn
Punti impiegati
- maglia tunisina semplice
- tunisian simple stitch

started 50 chains and knitted sweaters for 60 Tunisian simple.
Cast on 50 stitches and work tunisian simple chains for 60 rows.

You Will Have a 27 x 23 cm cm rectangle.

Stirate sia il lavoro all’uncinetto che il tessuto scelto per foderare l’interno.
Iron the crocheted work and the fabric for the lining.

Fold the fabric edges and iron Them.
Then prepare the pocket with the blue cotton crochet, knit Tunisian always simple: start and worked for 50 chains 20 links. Then the obtained strip sewn along one side to 'domestic labor.
Sew the fabric on the reverse side of the Tunisian work.
Then, make the hook pocket examination using the cotton thread: cast on 50 stitches and work tunisian simple chain stitch for 20 rows. Sew this crocheted stripe on the lower internal edge of the rectangle crocheted.

distributing Proceed vertical seams along the pocket to create compartments for storing the hooks, taking into account the diameter of your working tools.
Sew the vertical line on the lower pocket, the dimension suits Being sure your hooks.

Sew a pair of studs on the inner lining on both sides at the top, so as to create a shooting tab closure.
To Obtain an upper pocket, a couple of automatic sew buttons on the top of the lining.

Sew in any accessories: Here I applied a small rifle to attack il pendente tagliafili.
Sew on the fabric all the accessories you need: in this case, I attach a little snap-hook for my thread cutter pendant.

Con lo stesso cotone azzurro preparate un cordoncino lungo circa 60 cm.
With the Same make cotton to 60 cm long string.

Sew it on one edge of the crochet hook holder.

Once you have entered your tools of the trade , buttoned the top shooting tab, rolled around the portauncinetti and avvolgeteci il cordoncino per chiuderlo.
E il gioco è fatto: i vostri preziosi uncinetti saranno sempre al loro posto!
Put your hooks in the holder, button up the upper pocket, roll up the holder and wind string to close it .
Voilà! you will never ever loose your precious crochet hooks!
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