Il clima sardo sembra favorevole per la crescita delle piante cosiddette australiane, infatti i vivai della mia zona sono forniti di diverse specie, soprattutto arbustive.
Quando stavo creando il mio giardino e facevo il giro nei suddetti vivai, ho acquistato una Grevillea rosmarinifolia, una Westringia fruticosa, , la Dodonaea viscosa purpurea, una Duranta repens e una Melaleuca. The
Dodonaea is beautiful in all seasons: in winter the leaves are brown, and begin to glimpse the inflorescence. When the temperature begins to rise, the leaves gradually go broke, and its bracts are pink, and take on different colors, but always interesting. Perhaps it's my favorite plant.
The Duranta repens had his best season during the spring and summer, autumn and winter but its purple flowers and then the eye-catching orange berries on himself '
The first two have the advantage of flower when everything else rests yet, so in winter, especially Westringia has a long flowering season that lasts most of the cooler while preparing her special Grevillea flowers in late January, which start later in this period. Look at how well made his flower ....
Westringia fruticosa
La Melaleuca รจ un albero, a differenza di tutte le altre che sono arbusti, con corteccia un po' sfrangiata e foglie coriacee e appuntite. Di per se' does not attract the eye, but when it blooms in late spring it is noted, and how! Many quilts purple with white peaks that attract all sorts of insects, and flowering lasts about a month.
plants are very decorative and a Mediterranean garden as mine I find that there are really good.
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