Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pokemon World Online For Mac

post carnival celebrations

sorry, but I was too busy partying to the carnival that I was forgetting that spring Maybe he is determined to get there. rione darsena 012 crash bandicoot

after pounds of pancakes and fruit of the best fantasy masks, I finally took some pictures to the events in "garden" (the quotes are a must because it is far from truly be) ;-)

start from Clematis armandii which is a waterfall of white flowers! I have sold as fragrant, but not even the shadow of perfume!

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but its effect is the same :-)

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api al lavoro ( i miei soggetti preferiti!!)

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i soliti narcisi…..forse fra un paio di settimane fioriranno anche i neo acquistati a “tazzetta”

inizi primavera 060 insect like he too busy ape

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the wonderful scent of honey plum

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magnification plum blossom

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apricot flowers and bees .... Unfortunately this year I will have very few because the apricot tree has very few flowers :-(

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Bellis perennis (daisies) taken recently and thanks to the sun, they deliver flowers continuously :-) (Top left is a plant Digitalis purpurea )

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but this is a small settlement made by a Helleborus niger and violets

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violette selvatiche

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per finire vi faccio vedere il mio ultimo esperimento: il fiore di loto!!!!! lotus nucifera , mi regalarono 3 semi a natale e in questi giorni li ho fatti germinare. sono facili da far nascere, basta incidere la scorza che รจ dura come il legno, tenerli in acqua tiepida and after a few days sprouting leaves like rockets. The problem now is getting it until the summer, because reading here and there, I discovered that they are easy to germinate but not grow. ... We'll see

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I'm done, sorry but return to the carnival that is the last day and I have to celebrate

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me and the sisters Chiquita



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