However, I was terrible, the bad influence of this period I was caught for the second time since Christmas, but I had to go to work the same, I refused to stay in bed in my birthday!
Even if I was like a zombie all day, imbaccuccata not catch cold, stuffy nose, sore throat. ... Cough .... coff!
The day started well, however, with the first sms of my sisters and my new friend, Romina, which surely will read these lines. With her, we immediately found! Perfect understanding of our jokes we laugh together, almost in unison, and we think we are already very good! Well, she has been teaching English to asylum and called me by making me sing in choir children " Happy birthday "! I moved, with tears coming down copiously uh .... I was driving while going to work!! E 'is very beautiful and interesting! Thank you Romi! ^ _ ^
The day before, I received an envelope in the mail, came away from Belgium, sweet Isabelle, blog "A Little bit of paradise" ! binds us to a beautiful friendship that has lasted more distance than a year. Sent me a lovely greeting card, in pure stile vintage, perchè lei sa che lo adoro così come le amo le rose e il suo giardino!!!!
La busta conteneva un sacchetto che profuma di biscotti al cioccolato e una carinissima bustina di tulle con dei semini all’interno!! E’ stata davvero deliziosa!! :)
All’ora di pranzo, poi, sono andata da mia madre che mi ha chiamata dicendomi che era arrivato un pacco per me!! Era il pacco della mia carissima amica Laurence, ( vi ho parlato qui del suo giardino ) proveniente sempre dal Belgio, con una puntualità di cui ci siamo entrambe stupite!!
E’ stato bellissimo!!! Come aprire uno scrigno che conteneva tanti piccoli tesori!!!
Scelti ed impacchettati con tanto amore dalla dolce Laurence, mi hanno regalato momenti di gioia indescrivibile!!! Tante piccole sorprese che mi hanno fatto pensare a quanto bene mi conosce e quanto affetto ci leghi!!!
Now I have a piece of Belgian land with its garden in my garden ^ _ ^
are not delicious?
oven gloves, shabby chic style , adorable!
Not to mention Sunday night, when I celebrated with my family! My beloved sisters have really spoiled me!
Delia, giving me a box set "Jardin d'Ulysse" of fabric for sewing, (I was just wishing! ) And three scented candles in glasses shabby style
Today I called back my mother had arrived two more envelopes!
Delia, giving me a box set "Jardin d'Ulysse" of fabric for sewing, (I was just wishing! ) And three scented candles in glasses shabby style
Susy and a nice warm scarf and colorful in shades of ........ guess what? BLUE !!!!!
Today I called back my mother had arrived two more envelopes!
The first comes from Milan was to Laredo, the effervescent friend and gardening blog, which sent me of the delicious heart-shaped chocolates! Thanks Lari!! Muah! *
La seconda, ( la aspettavo perchè mi aveva detto di averla spedita ) della mia simpaticissima amica belga Bénédicte, che adoro perchè mi mette sempre di buonumore, quando ci troviamo su facebook e su skype.
Mi ha spedito tanti deliziosi pensierini, scelti con molta cura e ognuno è un riferimento a piccole conversazioni fatte durante le nostre serate su skype. Ho scartato i pacchetti con piccoli gridolini di gioia e qualche risata!! Una meravigliosa cartolina vintage, scritta rigorosamente da lei in italiano, una piccola pochette, proveniente da Bruges, la Venise du Northern Ireland, a lovely Belgian city, which I hope to visit with you and Didier beautiful in spring.
Then, a creamy sauce for the hands that smells of roses, a heart of brass with the crown of a queen, because I'm the queen of the day ^ _ ^
La seconda, ( la aspettavo perchè mi aveva detto di averla spedita ) della mia simpaticissima amica belga Bénédicte, che adoro perchè mi mette sempre di buonumore, quando ci troviamo su facebook e su skype.
Mi ha spedito tanti deliziosi pensierini, scelti con molta cura e ognuno è un riferimento a piccole conversazioni fatte durante le nostre serate su skype. Ho scartato i pacchetti con piccoli gridolini di gioia e qualche risata!! Una meravigliosa cartolina vintage, scritta rigorosamente da lei in italiano, una piccola pochette, proveniente da Bruges, la Venise du Northern Ireland, a lovely Belgian city, which I hope to visit with you and Didier beautiful in spring.
Then, a creamy sauce for the hands that smells of roses, a heart of brass with the crown of a queen, because I'm the queen of the day ^ _ ^
It's fun to joke about everything: men, work, gardening and ... cows!
Ahahahaha! As I was amused to receive a cow! I remembered the jokes on manure for the roses that we had one night ...... you're too nice and I wish you a world of good!
I got a small music box, with the music of birthday cards, if tomorrow I can upload the video I do feel you! ;)
Sorry for the post turned out longer than expected, but I really did not expect so many lovely thoughts, I have filled my heart and turned a day that could be bad, and that, however, were rich in warmth and friendliness, considering that friends and facebook friends were really nice, and with over a hundred contacts Friday gave me so much love!
I embrace you all! Thanks ..... heart! ^ _ ^
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