AUGURI A TUTTI! Oggi non festeggio solo l'inizio del nuovo anno, ma anche il primo compleanno di questo blog! E ho deciso per l'occasione di essere io a farvi un regalo. Anzi, tre: in palio ci sono tre fiori-spilla fatti all'uncinetto con colori diversi (del tipo che avete giĆ visto in questo post ), destinati ad un unico vincitore.
Greetings everyone! Today I celebrate two events: the beginning of the new year, and the blog's first birthday! So, I Decided That This Was a good reason to give you a present. In fact, three: three pin-crocheted flowers (like the one you see in this post ) will be the price of a draw.
Gift To enter the draw you have to do is leave a comment to this post, pointing out what is the link of your site or blog that this year there has changed my life. What I immediately went to check when you open your computer and you connect to the internet, in fact.
I have been struck by one of Luisa De Santi, true genius creative crochet! And a constant source of inspiration ...
To join in, please leave a comment to this post writing the link of the site or the blog That changed your life in the last year, the first webpage you visit anytime you are in internet, I mean.
2010 My favorite link is Luisa De Santi's blog, crocheting a genius! Her works are really inspiring.
Greetings everyone! Today I celebrate two events: the beginning of the new year, and the blog's first birthday! So, I Decided That This Was a good reason to give you a present. In fact, three: three pin-crocheted flowers (like the one you see in this post ) will be the price of a draw.

I have been struck by one of Luisa De Santi, true genius creative crochet! And a constant source of inspiration ...
To join in, please leave a comment to this post writing the link of the site or the blog That changed your life in the last year, the first webpage you visit anytime you are in internet, I mean.
2010 My favorite link is Luisa De Santi's blog, crocheting a genius! Her works are really inspiring.

You have until Saturday, January 15, so who will return to work after the holidays will have a little 'time to think about (and I make them:).
Good luck!
PS: foreign readers, I know that there you are! Do not be shy and join in!
The dead line is January 15. You have a lot of time to think about it (I have to just make them!:)
Good luck!
PS: to all the foreigners: I know you are out there! Do not be shy and join the competition!
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