Di Antoni Gaudì (per notizie più specifiche cercare su internet), grandissimo artista spagnolo, in realtà sapevo ben poco, non avendo fatto studi specifici di architettura o di ingegneria.
heard yes, I have to say several times in recent years, ie since I am interested in a little 'closer to the world of plants and gardening, you'll understand better after.
Character outside the schemes, this is the impression I had when I went to see a show that is here in the city, Cagliari, housed in the covered walkway in the Bastion Saint Remy.
Moved by curiosity, as soon as I entered I realized that from the technical point of view I would have understood very little (paraboloids. ... Mah!) so I just gave space to my feelings, then tell us in what will surely be dictated by the inaccuracies of my ignorance.
reading from the panels that account of his achievements and the path it has taken to get there, especially the Sagrada Familia, the work still incomplete, but brilliant all points of view, I find that as a child loved to observe nature very closely.
This might seem normal, but none of us develop it to the point of wanting to, for example, play the spikes of lavender, with their spiral form, in spire of a church .
I was shocked: I have observed many times the ears of my lavender, admiring its perfect geometry, but I never thought to use in a context other than natural.
But it is just one of many natural shapes that inspired the inside ... delle conchiglie utilizzato per lo schema di scale, altro esempio curioso, oppure l’interno del tempio con colonne simili a tronchi d’albero tanto da farlo sembrare un bosco, con soffitti lavorati a mo’ di chiome. E le pigne, le pannocchie, gli alveari….la natura è presente in ogni particolare delle sue opere.
E che dire poi dell’intrico di catene collegate tra loro (il cosiddetto arco catenario) che, a guardarlo through a mirror placed on the floor, was just the outline of the Sagrada Familia? The play of light was striking, as well as what lit the paraboloid (I understand you correctly?) Hanging from the ceiling.
sinuous form, which apparently do not follow a logical construction of buildings, parks, gates, bright colors, to be admired in every detail, those bits of pottery and glass decorated so well put together in a harmonious whole, are of the style of Gaudi's style fairy tale, almost perfect. Same feeling that has given me to see pictures of another genius, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Austrian artist who did not conceive the greyness of the buildings that fell in each of anonymity we live. Go find news on him, deserves serious.
Maybe it was good not knowing anything about Gaudi: I looked at everything with eyes like those of a child, curious, surprised and concerned.
Mi piacerebbe pensare che nasceranno altre persone con così tanta genialità che sappiano dare un volto nuovo e allegro allo stile architettonico, e credo che qualcosa in questo senso si stia muovendo…..
Leggere il tuo post mi ha fatto venire una foglia tremenda di rivedere le mie foto scattate a Barcellona, niente di particolare, non mi ero impegnata molto anche perché ero troppo incantata a guardare
incantata è la parola giusta, io un pochino l'avevo studiato ma visitare la Sagrada Familia, Parc Guell e anche le varie "case" è un'esperienza incredibile per tutti, indipendentemente dall'età o dal titolo di studio.
Diciamo che forse per noi, che amiamo le piante e le forme naturali è ancora più emozionante...
però non saprei, durante le visite ho visto sempre persone strabiliate, divertite e... incantate.
Cara Delia, scusa l'intrusione, ma te la sei cercata!....
Io sono una delle poche persone che ancora non è andata a Barcellona, ma dopo aver visitato questa mostra e aver visto le opere di Gaudì attraverso internet, il desiderio è davvero forte!
Alcune opere sanno di inquietante, come quella della penultima tua immagine, sembra una di quelle sculture di sabbia che creano figure un po' deformi....ma le linee morbide dei palazzi e dei tetti, i colori, mi mettono allegria!
I do not know if the purpose of this artist was to inspire these feelings, it would be really interesting if he were alive, find out ...
Thank you for your contribution, Bamboo, I knew the topic intrigues you, I just hope that it was up to ....
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this is the facade built by Gaudi, the other (built after his death) is completely different stylistically speaking it seems the usual facade of a modern church architects made by unimaginative .... Since I did really sucks, not photographed.
monaco parakeets who were in the garden in front of the church then :-) I discovered that after living in the city of Barcelona revealing more intrusive pigeons.
Park Guell:
an example of the terrible day that befell us. The gray you see is not smog but avalanches of water that came down from heaven .....
the park to get there is by public transport or on foot. We being masochists, we had taken the worst way, that is a long, steep stairs from the city center to the escalator to the garden ... there, but it was faulty.
detail of the ceiling of the porch
on Gaudi unfortunately I only have this one. The garden is very beautiful (artistically speaking, botanically speaking it is pretty trivial), is full of statues and fountains are all completely covered with tiles or mosaics and gleaming arabesqate, but alas doing the things I had to omit many things running.
Leggere il tuo post mi ha fatto venire una foglia tremenda di rivedere le mie foto scattate a Barcellona, niente di particolare, non mi ero impegnata molto anche perché ero troppo incantata a guardare
però non saprei, durante le visite ho visto sempre persone strabiliate, divertite e... incantate.
Cara Delia, scusa l'intrusione, ma te la sei cercata!....
Io sono una delle poche persone che ancora non è andata a Barcellona, ma dopo aver visitato questa mostra e aver visto le opere di Gaudì attraverso internet, il desiderio è davvero forte!
Alcune opere sanno di inquietante, come quella della penultima tua immagine, sembra una di quelle sculture di sabbia che creano figure un po' deformi....ma le linee morbide dei palazzi e dei tetti, i colori, mi mettono allegria!
I do not know if the purpose of this artist was to inspire these feelings, it would be really interesting if he were alive, find out ...
Thank you for your contribution, Bamboo, I knew the topic intrigues you, I just hope that it was up to ....
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I enter my little experience in Barcelona. I avoid the record of the vacation that was a bit disappointing: a very short time, cold weather and flood (August 15 and had a few year ago) and go straight to the point: the Sagrada Familia and some glimpses of the Park Guell.
First some details:
First some details:

Park Guell:

the park to get there is by public transport or on foot. We being masochists, we had taken the worst way, that is a long, steep stairs from the city center to the escalator to the garden ... there, but it was faulty.

on Gaudi unfortunately I only have this one. The garden is very beautiful (artistically speaking, botanically speaking it is pretty trivial), is full of statues and fountains are all completely covered with tiles or mosaics and gleaming arabesqate, but alas doing the things I had to omit many things running.
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