Infatti si esagera su tutti i fronti (dall'antipasto al dolce) e si ha voglia, a breve, di tornare alla cucina "casareccia" fatta di piatti tipo polpette o pasta al Ragù.
Non che quest'ultima sia un piatto dietetico, ma di sicuro è buono e rassicurante :-) se poi lo si vede nell'ottica del piatto unico (pasta+carne) tanto male non va.
Ma come va fatta la vera pasta with meat sauce? Documentation of the issue I discovered that the "classic Bolognese Sauce" is the only (or one of the few) recipes that have been formalized. In fact it was written October 17, 1982 in the presence of a notary from Bologna of the Italian delegation to the kitchen and deposited at the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna
Ma come va fatta la vera pasta with meat sauce? Documentation of the issue I discovered that the "classic Bolognese Sauce" is the only (or one of the few) recipes that have been formalized. In fact it was written October 17, 1982 in the presence of a notary from Bologna of the Italian delegation to the kitchen and deposited at the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna
.* Let's see the procedure for 4 people: 150 gr mince
. of bacon 50 grams of celery 50 gr. 30 grams of carrot and onion. Cuocerela bacon for 5 minutes (preferably in an earthenware pot) then add the vegetables for 10 minutes. Add 300 grams of
folder ground beef and brown 10 minutes in pan, then deglaze with a glass of dry white wine.
When the wine has evaporated, add 20 gr. tomato paste diluted with a ladle of broth, then cover and simmer an hour and a half or two better.
Check the sauce every 10 minutes and stir, adding a little 'time to a glass of milk. Season with salt and pepper after cooking.
Variants: sauce instead of tomato concentrate, ham instead of bacon and other meat instead of the folder (beef shoulder) or 50% chicken or veal or sausage. Finally there are those who add spices such as nutmeg or bay leaves.
Just before serving, in my version, I added a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese that never hurts. :-)
Bon Appetit!
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