"1000 addresses where the food is pleasure and passion"
E 'was presented today with a bell' event at the Taste of Rome City guide foodies of Gambero Rosso.
This is a breakthrough product that breaks the mold of traditional guides: first because it was drafted with the help of bloggers, freelance journalists, sommeliers and wine enthusiasts in short Foodies (among them stands out the name of the unstoppable Daniela SenzaPanna )
Second is addressing these modern gourmets, without following the logic of cities but rather to taste itineraries or where is concentrated the greatest amount of tooth addresses.
A new guide and a little 'extreme' with distinguished records are missing and many "alternative".
Se poi avete la pazienza di arrivare fino a pag. 194 troverete una bella sorpresa :-)
Alla presentazione di oggi, ho avuto il piacere di conoscere Sandra Salerno (testimonial della guida per la regione Piemonte) rincontrare Enrico,
Stefano di Sforno & 00100 , e assaggiare i fritti dell' Antica Focacceria S.Francesco (Palermo) i panini di 'Ino (Firenze) il pesce in versione salumeria di Anikò di Moreno Cedroni e per finire i dolci di Corrado Assenza (Caffè Sicilia, Noto - SR).
Unfortunately I made a quick visit and I have not had time to take pictures (of course in the coming days it will run several on-line), but in the meantime I recommend you buy the guide, in addition to the photos there are lots of info and curiosity to test of fooders :-).
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