Friday, November 26, 2010

Sample Confidentiality Clause Lease

Liver alla Veneziana Sautéed with variation

long time ago, during the series Post on the fifth quarter I was also busy
Veal Liver

I must say that without knowing the past is a really long time since the last time I ate the liver, perhaps a few years, and all without good reason. Thank goodness the blog is straining my culinary imagination and also causes a change in my diet ... :-)

Only recently I discovered that the recipe mother, that I always ate as a child, does not correspond exactly to the " Venetian so that's why the" change ".

The original case is classical, ie by stew una giusta quantità di cipolla con olio (senza farla dorare, per evitare ciò, si può aggiungere dell'acqua) poi si mette il fegato tagliato a pezzettini in padella, si gira per fargli prendere colore ed infine ho sfumato con del vino bianco.

A questo punto ecco la personalizzazione di casa Magini, ovvero l'aggiunta di qualche cucchiaio di passata di pomodoro. Giusto per pochi minuti il tempo che si rapprenda e si insaporisca bene con il fegato ed è pronto, da servire ben caldo.

Per me questa è sempre stata la ricetta "originale" non ho mai pensato al fegato in "bianco" forse proprio perchè questa versione è talmente buona che non lascia dubbi.... provare per credere.

In qualsiasi modo vogliate cucinarlo, si raccomanda il fegato esclusivamente di vitello (dato che è un filtro, meglio un animale giovanissimo) e per farlo a pezzetti è consigliabile quello che noi in gergo chiamiamo il "calcagnetto" ovvero l'appendice nel lato più alto dell'organo, privo di venature e perciò ancora più tenero.

Infine l'ultima curiosità/consiglio, per chi non lo sapesse il fegato è una vera è propria miniera di ferro, le persone che hanno questo valore basso (in particolare le donne incinte) mangiando 1-2 volte alla settimana il fegato potranno ristabilire l'apporto di ferro (magari al posto delle pasticche).

Monday, November 22, 2010

How Get Mount And Blade Free

Butterflies & Sausage Pizza

Again a super-classic recipe (because, if you expect creative dishes you have the wrong blog) :-).

I had already talked about Broccoli & Sausage almost two years ago on these paccheri , but today is a recipe for something simpler and more expeditious but just as good, or join them in the Butterfly .

This kind of pasta do not use it often, but getting a look in the pantry was a remnant of when, for brunch prepared the cold pasta, so that's found a way to "kill him" immediately.

summarize Briefly the procedure as it is simple: after having boiled the broccoli, I sauté them with olive oil, salt and pepper. Apart from a
I crumbled the sausage in a pan, fry without oil esfumata made with a splash of white wine.
I finally joined the chopping everything quickly with a knife put in the pan. I drained the butterflies al dente and add to the sauce, time to mix everything and is ready ... everyone at the table :-)

Bon appetit!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

'''i-catcher Console-web Monitor''

give the numbers

three fags for the price of one,
two fags in the space of one,
persimmons not count them, but the tree is only one (helped by a number of backups to take on the branches).
Roman is also the only one, but many seem to put into precise file to do a perfect design. Now we must stop looking at him and admire him, but decide to cut it, but it's so beautiful ...

Jeff Hardy's Belly Button

seasons ...

... are not what they used to be?
every season has its fruits and vegetables of his time. well. we have to zucchini the 20th of November. is not a vegetable of the season, yet it grows, makes flowers. is not in a greenhouse, do not worry, there's no trick here. (Human at least). nature takes its course. and we thank you and eat the Our zucchini.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Verbiage For Wedding Programs

@ The Cat & Champagne Mangiona

Small premise: to get good pizza a Roma non è sempre facile, ma da un po' di anni a questa parte ho trovato la più buona (per me) ovvero, quella de La Gatta Mangiona . A dire il vero non è l'unica, ma si colloca a pari merito con l'altro tempio della pizza (sempre imho), Sforno , ma essendo una persona molto democratica le alterno continuamente.... :-)

Detto questo, a volte capita che il vulcanico Giancarlo (patron della Gatta) decida di organizzare delle serate speciali, dedicate a chi vuole sperimentare abbinamenti inconsueti e originali, ad esempio ieri si è tenuta la serata

Pizza & Champagne

Non era la prima volta per questo connubio, ma proprio per il successo ottenuto nei precedenti inconti è stato ripetuto. La selezione di champagne era molto interessante, e anche le pizze molto particolari, alcune create proprio per questa cena, ma andiamo con ordine:

tutto è inziato con dei fritti misti (supplì pomodoro e bufala) e verdure (zucchine, carciofi e peperoni) accompagnati da una pils artigianale, giusto per prepararsi a quello che seguirà....

e s'inizia:

Croquette potatoes and cod with leek and lemon peel
Bruschetta with burrata, trout eggs, oil and black pepper
combined with
ETIENNE LEFEVRE Carte Blanche Grand Cru (Verzy, Montagne de Reims)

Pizza with potatoes blended with orange, Regina trout and chives
LILBERT SON Brut Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru (Cramer, Cote des Blancs)

Focaccia con broccoli e siciliani lardo

LONCLE Old Reserve I. Vintage (Villers Marnery, Marne)

Fleury & Rodez

'Pizza di Natale' con datterini, Anguilla affumicata, scaglie di fossa e menta
FLEURY PERE ET FILS Rosé de saignée (Courteron, Aube)

Crushed pepper stuffed with ricotta and mortadella with truffle
ERIC RODEZ Blanc de Noirs Grand Cru (Ambonnay, Montagne de Reims)

to conclude coffee parfait

As you can see it was not the great champagne house, but rather small winemakers who are no longer outsiders but According really doing "school" to prove the fact that 4 of these 5 wines are on the leadership of "99 best of house champagne "
What I appreciated most was the Lefevre perhaps also because more immediate, while a particular champagne is certainly the Loncle as has been said during the presentation, a wine "droit straight uncompromising, pungent and free-range.

As for the pizzas but the Oscar goes to the crushed pepper sauce with ricotta and mortadella with truffles (for the entire month of January will be in paper) and the least convincing was the one with the eel, a taste too strong and particular, that in many are not used to eating.

Overall a lovely evening, very friendly and cheerful, then I suggest you look at the events section and sometimes the blackboard on the site of the Cat, maybe you'll find some tasty surprise :-)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

T Equalizer Store In Houston

smile of the morning

fantasy games is nice.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sweet N' Low, Sore Knees

new entry

the new entries this week are the brussels sprouts. first harvest was not as abundant, but hopefully in the future.

talking and hopes, the zucchini is not demoralized. I have also said that we are in mid-November but she continues to make flowers. and I do not take it off. four mini-zucchini was the spoils of yesterday.

for a while we have deep thinking (so to speak) of the brain that cabbage cabbage could be this. giant leaves, no heart or flower, invades the shore and crushes the poor radicchio and peppers survivors. now one has solved the mystery. Roman, which makes the crossing nose. beautiful, yet still mignon, which grows in proportion to its leaves?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Homemade Big Green Egg Tables

The Flake

Speaking often roast I thought, although it is easy to find them in the butcher's, sometimes it's also fun to do at home alone, and stuff it with your ingredients and according to their taste.

For this reason, here is a piece suitable for this application, which is the staple , not to be confused with bow shoulder treated long ago. This piece is located under the chest of cattle in practice is a part of the belly. In addition to being very large (hence you can sbizzarire in size for the roast) is a very thin, but at the same time very tender if cooked properly.

The staple has a triangular shape with one end thinner and grows in thickness towards the other. So each piece to fill the often "open" a booklet, fights and then is ready to be stuffed. Another advantage of this cut is that if you want, you can transform it into a pocket . With a sharp knife is crea una fessura dalla parte più spessa, e poi ci si fa strada a destra e sinistra, facendo molta attenzione a non bucarla, molte persone utilizzano questo pezzo anche per la cima alla genovese, anche se in realtà il pezzo per questa preparazione è il fianchetto (di cui ancora non mi sono occupato...).

Un altro utilizzo del fiocco (anche se meno nobile) è quello per lo spezzatino , molto indicato per le persone che non gradiscono grasso e gelatina, come ad esempio il puccio o l'armone .

Insomma anche se è una parte poco conosciuta, ha numerosi impieghi e spesso funziona da vero e proprio jolly . Unfortunately I do not know the name in other regions of Italy, or perhaps even here in Rome there will certainly be someone who will call it differently, I just hope to be in the explanation was clear and especially helpful. :-)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Brampton Student Jobs

Veal Roast Veal with Chestnuts ripening

The roast is a true classic of Italian cuisine ... and especially for Sunday lunch with family and friends and for the holidays. Among the various existing versions, I have already dealt with the artichokes to to mushrooms, nuts to and a variation on the theme, or a pocket.

few days ago but I cooked this
stuffed roast chestnuts.

I had already prepared something similar time ago, but was not filled, the chestnuts were
used only as accompaniment. This time I filled a big slice of veal
(obtained from bell) with chestnuts.

Obviously if they had just put the chestnuts the result would be disastrous for this we must incorporate the filling with a filling. Personally I have made with the ground veal, eggs and Parmesan, but there may be other variations according to taste (with salami or without cheese or pork and sausage) and the important thing to be careful not to cover the delicate flavor of chestnuts. Finally

to go to cooking, the best in these cases and to the pan (when they are sliced \u200b\u200bso thin the oven too dry in my opinion) first with a little oil for browning and water, wine and spices to go ahead (about 1 hour and half). I also joined a few chestnuts from the start then to get the cream (whipping with the gravy) to merge the slices, but it's also nice to leave some soft only, to join the last 10 minutes of cooking, then the plate for garnish .

Bon Appetit!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sweet N' Low, Side Effects

0 km litter box and other thoughts

what the garden offers even in these early days of November. * The latest
zucchini-4-(but will really last? Not take off until the plants I hope. There are no flowers!)
salad and radicchio, fennel
* - (and here I should open a small chapter to these vegetables white fragrant is the first time you do not go to seed and be able to grow, meaning they become big ones. a good time to seed? tamping appropriate? luck?) *
cabbage and broccoli, but these are quite normal ;
* strange thing then ("strange" because you think you know everything and promptly proposes a surprise), the peppers can to brown. kiss of Satan and those round-bottom is a photo of their "end", it lacks the filling and the oven-that those in long bunches. *
on the terrace then there are those who take the courage to flourish. and her little bean has a bean.

here made a time for wolves, with much of that water and cold, yet it seems that we are more of us to complain that the vegetables.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Filmy Online Free .pl

"Wine in Rome" Slawka of G. Poor

Sunday November 7 not get busy!

Rather go for a trip to the Roman Catelli and when you arrive at Castel Gandolfo stop and head to the Space Gears of Art here because at 11 there will be presentation of

" Wine in Rome "

Inserisci link
I got to know Slawka (the author) some time ago to Brunch that I organized for the food-blogger, since then consistently follow its blog and the success of this book / guide. In fact they have already spoken Intravino and Enoiche Illusions and perhaps others that I have escaped.

So there is little to add except that, during the presentation, will also display a preview of the last works of Marta Czok which can then be to Arte Padova 2010. A

also follow the wine tasting of ' Az Poggio Le Volpi .

mean more than that is impossible to ask :-) go visit and enjoy.