Monday, February 28, 2011

H20 Pool Products Discount Coupons

Saving Private "Armand" - by tyziana


And it was as if it were a mission, saving a Clematis Armando, who was about to be destined to the dustbin dal vivaista che l'aveva in vendita!! 
Andiamo a ritroso, circa due anni fa, il vivaista del negozio vicino all'ufficio aveva una serie di Clematis in vendita, fra cui la classica Ville de Lyon o la Nelly Moser, ma ad un prezzo direi un pò eccessivo, per cui mi rassegnai e ci lasciai il cuore.
Ma, dopo circa un mese, mi decisi ed entrai per fare l'acquisto di un esemplare, ma il rivenditore mi disse che gliene era rimasta solo una, che era pure malconcia e non sapeva se si sarebbe ripresa.
Gli feci allora la proposta di farmi un ottimo sconto per poterla comprare,  ma  lui mi disse che me la regalava così potevo tentare di salvarla, dato che per lui era destinata al cestino, non potendo tenere in negozio una  pianta sofferente e antiestetica.
Non mi sembrava vero!!!  Quando poi seppi che si trattava della bellissima  Clematis Armandii, che desideravo da tempo perchè  è una sempreverde  ed ha le foglie davvero magnifiche ero al settimo cielo!
La portai a casa che aveva un aspetto davvero tristissimo, con i rami legnosi dal'aspetto secco e le foglie ormai ingiallite per la trascuratezza.
Subito la trapiantai in un vaso più grande ricco di buona terra e concime e le potai buona parte delle foglie ingiallite e il suo aspetto era diventato questo DSCN1821
Nel giro di circa quindici giorni, lei  ripagò my care with beautiful buds and a good number of beautiful new green leaves!!
I can now proudly show you the beauty of small Armando is in bloom these days and that in one year he served in the small bower rustic cottage garden, to my great satisfaction

e guardate quanti bei boccioli  si preparano a fiorire nei prossimi giorni!!!
e i getti nuovi che sta emettendo
E sì,  mi sento davvero orgogliosa di aver intuito che,  nonostante l’aspetto trascurato, il brutto anattroccolo si sarebbe trasformato in un bellissimo cigno bianco!! ^_^

Friday, February 25, 2011

H2o Pool Products Discount Coupons

Just in time? - By tyziana

Durante la settimana ho solo due giorni in cui la pausa pranzo è sufficientemente lunga per permettermi di rientrare a casa, e approfitto sempre per farmi una passeggiata blooms in the garden to check that there will soon be in the garden and I think you have guessed the day before yesterday, when I managed to snap this photo to nasturtiums born spontaneously around the blue patio chair.
were veterans from the recent rain in the morning, and I love how the drops on its leaves remain impervious

The same night, in fact, there was a sudden drop in temperatures, the next morning around 8 am -1 ° we here in the village, and the leaves have suffered a little curled up on the ice.
Quando si dice "L'attimo fuggente" eh? ;) 

Finger Boards Toronto

Ring Natural / Organic ring in

Valentine's Day has just passed and you have not received the engagement ring as hoped? Even with brillocco ethical?
Never mind, you can pack yourself a hypoallergenic, washable and eticissimo with very few things a bit 'of # 8 cotton, a knitting needle and a pair of toothpicks! (Possibly not used:)

Valentine's day Did not give you the engagement You Were Expecting ring, diamond or an etical whatsoever?
Do not worry, you can make your own ring with non-allergenic and washable A Few things: a bit of cotton yarn # 8, one wool needle and two toothpicks (not 2nd hand, if possible:)

Here's how: Start of 13 mesh color you prefer.
Cast-on 13 stitches of your favorite color.

Work stocking stitch for 2.5 cm.
Work stokinette stitches for 2.5 cm.

then changed color to a pair of knitting needles (pass me the term), leaving open the other.
Switch color for the next 2 rows using the second color.

Alternate for 3 more times. Alternate yarns
the other 3 times.

Then proceed with the second color to the end (2.5 cm or more depending on what is lacking in the diameter of your finger), in order to obtain a symmetrical design.

Use the second color until the end (another 2.5 cm or whatever you need Depending on the diameter of your finger) to Obtain a symmetric work.

Then close all the loops.
Close the row.

Sew the edges of the longer the reverse.
Sew the long edges on the reverse side.

turned over the job with the aid of a wand or a pen. Then reverse the
Entire work using a pen or a stick.

Sew the shorter end.
togheter Sew the short edges.

Hide the wires cut. Hide
cut the threads.

Et voila! Your natural ring is ready to wear!
That's it!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cervical Fluid Prior To Period

Fusilli with Broccoli, Bacon & Pecorino

Pairing pasta-cooking of broccoli is a classic winter, there are many recipes on the net and on this blog some time ago have appeared in the paccheri filled and butterflies with sausage and broccoli i.

But this time the recipe was created by accident really, trying to use what was available in the fridge and the best things often come out!

I took the washers that I had previously Sicilian broccoli sauté with garlic and olive oil and I together with slices of bacon I've done well in frying pan to brown and then made into small pieces. I drained the pasta al dente and creamy in the pan for a few minutes to combine everything. Serve Once I gave a generous sprinkling of cheese (instead of the Roman've never tried this ????)

With this dish I also discovered what for many is perhaps the hot water, but the broccoli-cheese combination is something fantastic, also the slight smoky note makes everything much more interesting (and gorgeous)

Endometriosis Condition_symptoms

Thanks Silvia! - By tyziana

Nel mio post precedente, la nostra amica Silvia ci avvisava di una sorpresa sul suo blog e mi sono precipitata per vedere di che si trattava e ho scoperto che aveva incluso il nostro "Furighedda" fra quelli premiati per il

Ringrazio a nome di tutti noi la dolcissima Silvia, che ci nomina insieme ad altri quattro bloggers, che cura un bellissimo blog, delizioso e molto intimista, dove oltre a postare bellissime immagini its lovely shop with a thousand and one nights (where to buy everything!)

describes his emotions, involving us in the preparation of a fair or a flea market or blog or informing us beautiful images of your dreams! Thank you for your trust, Silvia, I embrace you!

The rules of the award are simple enough:

- of course the first thing is to accept the award and write a post on the subject

- choose from three five bolgs we like, and tell them that they won,

- post the link to the person who sent it to you.

This type of award is set up to do in order to give prominence to other blogs, who have a need for greater visibility, but also that you follow personally, I would say daily frequency.
why I chose among the many who try to follow in the time available to me, the blog of my dear friends:

Isabelle, who always draws me in his wonderful world of roses and beautiful bouquet

Laurence, my sweet friend-owl, with which I am a big chat until late at night, and whose I did find a few posts on this blog before the convince to open his

Eloisa, who with his cartoons about cats I enjoy ever, because it can move in a comic the comic situations of daily life with cats, in which I always find myself because I live with my

Cinzia , la mia nuova amica di blog e di facebook, con un bellissimo e raffinato blog di shabby style e cucito creativo, e con la sua gatta che mi ricorda tanto la mia

e la mia amica e conterranea   Nina , che con la sua  creatività mi stupisce ogni giorno con piccoli e deliziosi coloratissimi  oggettini

Di fantastici blog da segnalare ce ne sarebbe un vagone pieno, ma se volete, potete linkare su i miei preferiti I scored on the side.
Hugs to all!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Montreal Brazilian Waxing

Hardenbergia purplish-by Delia

Australian plants, exists in various colors. I own the white version, and his first year was unfortunately placed, the sun hidden by trees.
Then I noticed her sadness, and then I did hug a cypress, along with other place in the sun on the other side of the garden.
It is a vine that you see, has long dark green leathery leaves, it grows quickly, goes where it wants, I do not care, do not put limits.
now is in bloom, and has almost reached the top of his companion. Small clusters of white, with green heart and purple base, many, many .... shame not to have known her for a photo with the reward.
Before long this show will end, and she returns to her little anonymity, but always in the company and glad of it.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

High Blood Pressure Condition_symptoms

Birthday Flower / Birthday with roses

Now that I am sure that this ticket has arrived in Australia, I can show it to you without ruining the surprise the recipient.

Now That I Know That this card has made ITS way to Australia, I can reveal it without the spoilig surprise.

Needless to say, the protagonist is one of my favorite maialotti.

The subject is one of my favorite pigs, again.

Stamps / Stamps : M 03507 (Aladdin), Swine & Roses (Penny Black) critter party (Penny Black set)