Monday, January 31, 2011

How A Period Should Look

The garden goes to the theater - Dreaming by tyziana

the other night I went to the theater with Delia.
E 'was a great opportunity to be together even in the always tough and exhausting week, and to see a show that I waited for two years. From when I read the article on Gardenia of 2009, which broadly speaking, with pictures and descriptions that made me dream.



Lo spettacolo era MOMIX - Botanica ,  della compagnia di ballo MOMIX, conosciuta in tutto il mondo e diretta dal coreografo americano Moses Pendleton,  geniale ed incredibilmente originale,  che avevo già avuto modo di ammirare negli spettacoli del sabato sera di Fiorello, in  “Stasera pago io“, per la sua capacità di evocare immagini surreali utilizzando il corpo, i costumi, attrezzi e giochi di luce.

Ispirato dalle Quattro stagioni di Vivaldi, ha interpretato il ronzio delle api, il fruscio delle foglie, lo sbocciare dei fiori, il susseguirsi delle stagioni,  la hasty paw of an insect and everything that relates to nature is symbolized with imaginative ballets that enchant the audience. To put
to share some images and video clips from which you can easily find it on you tube

E 'was an exciting spectacle, a pity we had seats in the gallery a little unhappy, but it was really beautiful and fascinating!
As it was absolutely forbidden to film or photograph the spectacle, the only part that is riuscita furtivamente a cogliere è stato un piccolo bis che il balletto ci ha regalato alla fine dello spettacolo. Buona visione!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

What Is The Normal Muscle Percentage?

Doni birth 4/Birth 4 presents

The Zeno continues to receive small gifts. Many thanks to Daniela for the elegant and beautiful Laura package tickets for the fabulous and love put into each of these cute little cross embroidered towels and bibs.

Even little Zeno is reciving birth presents. Thanks a lot to Daniela for this beautiful elegant parcel, and to Laura for the wonderful cards and her love she put into doing Each of Those Sweet cross stitched bibs and towels.

By Daniela Daniela

from Laura By Laura

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Funny Thing To Write In A Wedding Card

Rabbit with Polenta Olive Restaurant

Quando si parla di carne bianca, istintivamente la si associa al pollo, o al massimo al tacchino. E in rete abbondano le ricette, io stesso ho pubblicato più varianti sull' argomento poll ame .

Spesso però ci si dimentica del coniglio, che fa sempre parte delle carni bianche (quindi magra e dietetica) inoltre viene indicata anche dai pediatri per lo svezzamento dei bambini.
C'è da dire che magari non è facile trovare del buon coniglio (ho sentito che arrivano anche dalla Cina) e magari fare attenzione quando si trova già dissosato o solo le cosce.

Una volta trovata una buona materia prima, ci si può sbizzarrire con la fantasia partendo da cose più elaborate come il coniglio ripieno, oppure si può fare fritto come si usa in toscana. Se invece si vuole gustare appieno il sapore di questa carne delicata, consiglio una semplice cottura al tegame, magari con l'aggiunta delle olive.

Ridurre il coniglio in pezzi medio-piccoli , se ve la cavate bene con il coltello, potete disossare le parti con meno carne (la zona anteriore) mentre la coscia è buona da rosicchiare.
Ho condito i pezzi qualche ora prima (dopo averlo accuratamente sciacquato in acqua fredda per eliminare le schegge d'osso) con sale salvia e rosmarino.
Al momento di metterli in tegame li ho leggermente infarinati per poi farli rosolare con olio per circa 10 minuti. Quindi ho sfumato con un bicchiere di vino bianco e lasciato cuocere (con coperchio) per un'ora abbondante, avendo cura di non farlo asciugare.
A circa metà cottura ho aggiunto le olive.

Far riposare 10 minuti e servire. Buon appetito.

Foot Problems More Condition_symptoms

Last Christmas presents / gifts

guess it also happens to many of you that plenty of Christmas linger for weeks after Dec. 25. Only a few days ago I had occasion to exchange gifts with my dear friend Laura. Look at this ticket that has unlined! I'll have to convince her to open a blog ...

I guess your Christmas holidays too Tend to protractive weeks later December 25. My dear friend Laura and exchange the Christmas gifts I Could Only A Few weeks ago.
Look the gorgeous card she created! I must persuade her to open a blog ...

Position Of Cervix Before Period

other trips - by Delia

Oggi ho voglia di evadere, la giornata è piovosa e ripenso a momenti piacevoli passati, come il viaggio a Parigi.
Qui vi farò vedere il lato "verde" di questa città, fotografato un po' di corsa come in genere succede quando cammini per luoghi sconosciuti e vuoi captare il più possibile.
Rispetto a Londra, che ha una cura del verde cittadino come poche altre città, Parigi mi è sembrata poor attention more than anything else in order to delight the eye.
June is the month, say it is very important because in this month's blooms are scarce, no roses, spring blossoms are running out, but who has a garden knows that there is a rotation about the flowers, you can have the color for several months almost a year. So I'm disappointed, I expected more from a beautiful city like this.
But I found the delightful corners that I was impressed. The French express the joy painting windows and facades in bright colors, and happen to turn the corner of a street and find yourself in front of a small fire fireworks, as this is only one of the wonderful examples that I have photographed

I think that anyone who was in Paris I have seen the Tuileries, a large park that I did not like much. Side-lined boulevards, usually topiati, art that I really love, and monochromatic flower beds, some with a fountain, but nothing more ...

The gardens of Luxembourg and those outside the Hotel des Invalides have the same style, all very neat, clean, precise, beautiful to see each other .... but not for me. Trocadero is a different matter, the fountains and not distract okay to limit the green a few elements

But in Montmartre ... ... he has the green freedom of expression, both color and no compulsion!

Along my journey, the Jardins des Halles instead I found a bit 'of my way to see the gardens, mixed beds, color and motion ... Unfortunately I have not focused enough to take pictures decent.

The last picture about an exhibition whose subject was the vertical garden, watching a curious way of city gardens:

Monday, January 24, 2011

What Does A Brazilian Look Like??

A slap birthday, indeed .... with hearts! - By tyziana

DSCN1905 The other Fridays, January 21, it was my birthday. Damn how time passes! I made the beauty of ... .... Hey! Does not ask a lady's age!;)
However, I was terrible, the bad influence of this period I was caught for the second time since Christmas, but I had to go to work the same, I refused to stay in bed in my birthday!
Even if I was like a zombie all day, imbaccuccata not catch cold, stuffy nose, sore throat. ... Cough .... coff!
The day started well, however, with the first sms of my sisters and my new friend, Romina, which surely will read these lines. With her, we immediately found! Perfect understanding of our jokes we laugh together, almost in unison, and we think we are already very good! Well, she has been teaching English to asylum and called me by making me sing in choir children " Happy birthday "! I moved, with tears coming down copiously uh .... I was driving while going to work!! E 'is very beautiful and interesting! Thank you Romi! ^ _ ^

The day before, I received an envelope in the mail, came away from Belgium, sweet Isabelle, blog "A Little bit of paradise" ! binds us to a beautiful friendship that has lasted more distance than a year. Sent me a lovely greeting card, in pure stile vintage,  perchè lei sa che lo adoro così come le amo le rose e il suo giardino!!!!
La busta conteneva un sacchetto che profuma di biscotti al cioccolato e una  carinissima bustina di tulle con dei semini all’interno!!  E’ stata davvero deliziosa!!  :)
All’ora di pranzo, poi,  sono andata da mia madre che mi  ha chiamata dicendomi che era arrivato un pacco per me!!  Era il pacco della mia carissima amica Laurence, ( vi ho parlato qui del suo giardino  )  proveniente sempre dal Belgio, con una puntualità di cui ci siamo entrambe stupite!!
E’  stato bellissimo!!!   Come aprire uno scrigno che conteneva tanti  piccoli tesori!!!
Scelti ed impacchettati con tanto amore dalla dolce Laurence,  mi hanno regalato momenti di gioia indescrivibile!!! Tante piccole sorprese che mi hanno fatto pensare a quanto bene mi conosce e quanto affetto ci leghi!!!
DSCN1872 Mi ha mandato persino una piccola piantina di timo,  dal suo giardino, perchè I could make a decoction for my influence! I love it!!
Now I have a piece of Belgian land with its garden in my garden ^ _ ^
DSCN1858 And then ... .. HEART! So many beautiful hearts, that I loved from the first moment!
are not delicious?

oven gloves, shabby chic style , adorable!
DSCN1932 and two lovely little angels embrace, because he knows that I like the statues in his garden! Symbolically, I thought about us and how we hug when we will meet!

Not to mention Sunday night, when I celebrated with my family! My beloved sisters have really spoiled me!

Delia, giving me a box set "Jardin d'Ulysse" of fabric for sewing, (I was just wishing! ) And three scented candles in glasses shabby style

Susy and a nice warm scarf and colorful in shades of ........ guess what? BLUE !!!!!

Today I called back my mother had arrived two more envelopes!
The first comes from Milan was to Laredo, the effervescent friend and gardening blog, which sent me of the delicious heart-shaped chocolates! Thanks Lari!! Muah! *

La seconda, ( la aspettavo perchè mi aveva detto di averla spedita ) della mia simpaticissima amica belga Bénédicte, che adoro perchè mi mette sempre di buonumore, quando ci troviamo su facebook e su skype.

Mi ha spedito tanti deliziosi pensierini, scelti con molta cura e ognuno è  un riferimento a piccole conversazioni fatte durante le nostre serate su skype. Ho scartato i pacchetti con piccoli gridolini di gioia e  qualche risata!!  Una meravigliosa cartolina vintage, scritta rigorosamente da lei in italiano,  una piccola pochette, proveniente da Bruges, la Venise du Northern Ireland, a lovely Belgian city, which I hope to visit with you and Didier beautiful in spring.
Then, a creamy sauce for the hands that smells of roses, a heart of brass with the crown of a queen, because I'm the queen of the day ^ _ ^

It's fun to joke about everything: men, work, gardening and ... cows!
Ahahahaha! As I was amused to receive a cow! I remembered the jokes on manure for the roses that we had one night ...... you're too nice and I wish you a world of good!

I got a small music box, with the music of birthday cards, if tomorrow I can upload the video I do feel you! ;)

Sorry for the post turned out longer than expected, but I really did not expect so many lovely thoughts, I have filled my heart and turned a day that could be bad, and that, however, were rich in warmth and friendliness, considering that friends and facebook friends were really nice, and with over a hundred contacts Friday gave me so much love!
I embrace you all! Thanks ..... heart! ^ _ ^