Champagne, books and gift ideas ....
Small and banal premise: good food and good wine are united by a bond almost inscindiblile. In my opinion, to be deprived of one of two things means it can not enjoy the pleasure that this "marriage" has to offer.
Now as far as I'm concerned, I have always had the good fortune to be surrounded by great food (thanks to the store that has the passion of my father's country) unfortunately I was only a factor on its own lack wine, as always my father, for consistency , drank only "farmer's wine ...." and do not add anything else.
then things have changed over time fortunately, I became a foodie
therefore to fill the gaps in my wine, came the courses
Porthos, a weekend at
Vinitaly , then tasting , important dinners with bottles e infine tanta teoria, leggendo riviste specializzate, riflessioni e opinioni di persone di fiducia e blog del settore.
La mia breve esperienza mi ha portato a preferire i vini bianchi, con una prelidizione per i riesling, gewurztraminer e sauvignon ma sempre più spesso preferisco assaggiare vitigni che non conosco (e se poi c'è un rosso mica mi tiro indietro...) :-)
Negli ultimi tempi sono stato folgorato dallo Champagne, ho iniziato a conoscere le grandi maison per poi arrivare a quello dei piccoli vignerons (come alla
cena dalla gatta ).
Visto poi che il mio lavoro coincide anche con questa mia nuova e coinvolgente passione, non ho potuto help but put a few bottles on the shelves known and some lesser known, the famous wine. So you can encounter:
- Bollinger Special Cuvée, Grand Anne 2000 (with box)
-Eric Rodez Blanc de Noirs
- Etienne Lefevre Carte Blanche
-Gaydoz Forget Rosé
- Aubry Brut Classique
and more ...
In view of the festivities Christmas I thought it might be a good idea to combine all this a few readings (which will be in store) wine-themed, useful both as a gift but also for those who want to explore some themes such as:
- wine in Rome (guide to the best wineries in the Lazio and drink well in places where capital) of G. Slawka Poor
- guide to the best 99 house of Champagne - natural wines' s Italy 1 & 2 (manual of drinking healthy) of Giovanni Bietti
- Quaderno # 1 Champagne edited by Alfonso Isinelli (A study on the biological, the Rose, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Aube, and the interview with the winemaker James Darsonville)